8th of March 💕✊✊🏻✊🏼✊🏽✊🏿 – MKD & ADRA – No Barriers to Equality

Two associations Društvo Medkulturni Dialog and ADRA Slovenija were together again to celebrate World International Women’s Day. We are also very happy that we did this workshop and celebration activities under our new project “BODE – Brez Ovir Do Enakosti” which means “No Barriers to Equality” as a fruit of our previous cooperation. Shortly about […]

8th of March 💕✊✊🏻✊🏼✊🏽✊🏿 – MKD & ADRA – No Barriers to Equality Read More »

Project “No Barriers to Equality” / “Brez Ovir Do Enakosti”(BODE)

Brez Ovir Do Enakosti(BODE) which means “No Barriers to Equality” is a fruit of our previous cooperations in the last 2 years with ADRA Slovenia. In this project, we are going to focus on the advocacy of migrants’ and refugees’ rights in Slovenia. The project has started on the 1st of March and will be

Project “No Barriers to Equality” / “Brez Ovir Do Enakosti”(BODE) Read More »

Migrants Show at Radio Študent – Enolončnica

As an Intercultural Dialogue Association, we are collaborating with Radio Študent in the EU project “Migrants giving voice to Migrants”. Our official representative Furkan Guner has participated in the journalism training at Radio Študent last summer, under the mentorship of RŠ journalist Jaka Virant,  and has been hosting the radio show “Enolončnica” for the last

Migrants Show at Radio Študent – Enolončnica Read More »