
Workshop for Learning The Latest Law for Foreigners in Slovenia

If you have a migratory background and living in Slovenia or you are Slovenian and want to learn more about migration and migrants rights in your country join us tomorrow at 17:30 at the address of Njegoševa 15.We will have an expert for the topic from PIC (Legal Information Center) Content of the workshop:1. Different […]

Workshop for Learning The Latest Law for Foreigners in Slovenia Read More »

Participation in the Education for Intercultural Mediators

EDUCATION FOR CULTURAL MEDIATORS – COMPANIONSHIP PROGRAM 🙌 2 days ago we had our second meeting at Slovenska Filantropija with Intercultural Mediators from 5 different countries. The pictures are from the seminar “Intercultural Sensitivity in Slovenia”. We have listened to a lot of interesting life stories and experiences. We have appreciated the efforts of Slovenska

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Participating in the Conference Meeting of Union Migrant Network (AMIF) Project of MOL

Last week, a conference of the Union Migrant Network (AMIF) project was held in the organization and premises of the City of Ljubljana, where Slovenian project partners presented the results of their work to stakeholders. The Institute presented the research on the possibilities of employment of immigrants in the Slovenian labor market and acquainted them

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ŠTART JE USPEL- Udeleženci pohvalili začetek aktivnosti pri projektu BODE (Brez ovir do enakosti). Včeraj smo s 16-imi udeleženci, ki imajo migrantsko ozadje, začeli z aktivnostmi za učenje in usposabljanje na področju zagovorništva. Prvi odzivi so bili zelo spodbudni, sodelovanje udeležencev pa navduhujoče. Multikulturno vzdušje smo ustvarili kar iz 6-ih držav: Slovenija, Turčija, Nigerija, Peru,


Brez Ovir do Enakosti/No Barriers to Equality

APPLICATIONS TO PARTICIPATE IN BODE PROJECT – No barriers to equality Are you interested in what is advocacy, how to effectively fight for your rights, and implement campaigns that will help you to achieve your rights? Are you a person with a migratory background and you wish to socialize and learn in an intercultural environment

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Project “No Barriers to Equality” / “Brez Ovir Do Enakosti”(BODE)

Brez Ovir Do Enakosti(BODE) which means “No Barriers to Equality” is a fruit of our previous cooperations in the last 2 years with ADRA Slovenia. In this project, we are going to focus on the advocacy of migrants’ and refugees’ rights in Slovenia. The project has started on the 1st of March and will be

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